Sunday, September 1, 2024

The Sailboat Ready Yet?

 Hey world! If you are following very closely, you know our life and schedule has not fit our timeline for the boat very well. We have flown all over the place, graduated our oldest child from high school, and have had a few setbacks due to weather and other unforeseeable events. Nonetheless, we press onward, and the boat work continues!

To see the latest news and a fall update from us, check this out!

Thanks for reading and may God bless you on your own journey of faith with Him!

A prayer for today... 

May we be filled with the fullness of God, knowing the love of God - Ephesians 3:19

May we have the wisdom from above that is pure, peaceable, and gentle, willing to yield, full of mercy and good fruits. James 3:17

Blessings, the Baileys