Here the girls are helping me get things organized for the village children. Things like tooth brushes, toothpaste, crayons, crafts and medical supplies have been donated to us! Again, the Lord has used some of His servants to help us minister the Good News of Jesus. We want to bless the people we touch as much as we can!
I also have coloring pages and enough items to cover over 100 children. We'll be reading them Bible stories and teaching them songs about Jesus.
We cant wait to let you know how its going, we'll update when - IF - we can while we're there. We may have to wait to access the internet until we come back into the USA.
Please keep us in your prayers...thank you so much for urging us on... You are apart of the bridge that fills the gap between us and the people in need. We appreciate you greatly!
Much love, the Baileys!
May your angelic guard double as you travel and minister. ALFC prayers are behind you. May the Lord's angels make straight your path in front of you and guard you on all side. May there be divine appointments all along the way.