Sunday, September 1, 2024

The Sailboat Ready Yet?

 Hey world! If you are following very closely, you know our life and schedule has not fit our timeline for the boat very well. We have flown all over the place, graduated our oldest child from high school, and have had a few setbacks due to weather and other unforeseeable events. Nonetheless, we press onward, and the boat work continues!

To see the latest news and a fall update from us, check this out!

Thanks for reading and may God bless you on your own journey of faith with Him!

A prayer for today... 

May we be filled with the fullness of God, knowing the love of God - Ephesians 3:19

May we have the wisdom from above that is pure, peaceable, and gentle, willing to yield, full of mercy and good fruits. James 3:17

Blessings, the Baileys

Monday, March 6, 2023

A clip of highlights and favorites!


A few of my favorites of my people here at YWAM SHIPS in Corpus Christi!

Thursday, March 2, 2023

A February Video update

Enjoy a video update below!

*Bible study with YWAM Ships at the Chronological Bible Core Course
*Work on "Every Tribe" our training vessel
*Ministry with family time and team time
*Loving those around us and finding rest in the little things like starting a garden this spring

Want to learn more about what we do with YWAM Ships in Corpus Christi?
check out our website:

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Anchors Aweigh!

EDIT.....and update on the Refit of the training vessel

Anchors Aweigh!

We are preparing to set out on another adventure! SONS school! School of Navigation and Seamanship with YWAM SHIPS CCTX!

Learn the practical of charting waters and sailing the big blue! All for God's glory and kingdom advancement! Throughout the gospels and in the Great Commission..He says GO - and we in turn say... 

Aye Aye Captain! 

We give our YES to Jesus when we step out in faith!

Do you have a heart to see the lost reached with the truth and seek an adventure with God? 

Then this may be a perfect place to start! PRAY and ask the Holy Spirit if this 3 months of hands on and classroom training could be the path for you to embark on that great journey of faith with God on mission!

Check out the school details and how to inquire about this school here at...

School of Navigation & Seamanship - YWAM Ships Corpus Christi (

DATES: February 25-May 20 2023

(((( Israel will be on staff with this SONS school coming up, we appreciate your support and prayers as this will be a stretch for us with that busy of a schedule, but we know and trust God's grace to be sufficient for where He guides, He provides!)))))

 Israel is working on the sailboat and still believing God to "MATCH 1500" to get this sailboat in the water, if you have any leading to help us out, please see our website for giving options! Check out the give page when you get there!

Thanks for reading and for praying!

much love, Les

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Refit the Sailboat!

We named the vessel "EVERY TRIBE" to remind us of those we will one day worship beside, together and around the throne...

Revelation 7:9 says that one day we will see a great multitude that no one can count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb. Wearing white robes and holding palm branches in hand, we will worship and say,

“Salvation belongs to our God,

who sits on the throne,

and to the Lamb."

The cry of our hearts is for young people to catch the fire of God from the Holy Spirit and take hold of HIM and hear HIS call on their lives! 
Distant shores and the islands in remote places need the gospel - but the youth of today need to know of their need for God, have vision of their place in God's big picture, and follow His lead into the unknown, trusting Him step by step!
Every Tribe will be used as a tool to draw people far and wide into a faith-journey with Jesus! Would you get behind that vision with us?

If you are asking God where to sow into ministry or mission, consider this good soil to invest in! The season quickly came where we are being equipped for our new assignment from the Lord! To train and send missionaries from right here in Corpus Christi! This is a team effort and as we live by faith, we trust the Lord to connect us with partners, like you, in this!
If you are led to give and need a tax-deductible way to give
please check out our website!
If you do not need that, its super easy to give from our website as well. 
We are believing God for the provisions to get the vessel in working order to sail!
God bless you in your giving and as you pray for us!
May you have a blessed and happy Christmas.
love the Baileys

EDIT, see the video below!

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Bailey - party of 6 - needed a house!

 Some back story - 

2019- We were in a dinky little town we called our "home base" - for when we were not in Greece or Mexico on mission. It was Loraine, out Texas. It was more like the middle of nowhere, Texas. Our house was a blessing for that season and so was that little community. But after a hard trip in Greece (a 3 month mission trip) which put me in the hospital in our last week there, then 3 months later Covid hit and shut down travel overseas, we were stumped for the purpose we would stay in Loraine except that I was able to recover and rest.

Between June and November 2020 We had been able to go into Mexico twice on mission. But we had a stirring in our hearts that a move was necessary to continue in our life of missions. Little Loraine was not going to help us on the journey any longer!

We searched, we prayed, we scoured the web, we prayed some more, we spoke to our kids, they were ready to leave Loraine as well. 

As we searched, we prayed for a YWAM base that would be suitable for us, and YWAM Ships Corpus Christi popped up in our search on the web!

(Several things about Corpus fulfill a longing in each of us. That only God would have known.)

We prayed some more and asked our kids if they were ok with the kind of sacrifice we knew this would force upon us. They had a peace and agreed that it was what we needed and they were willing to take on the sacrifice! The sacrifice was WORK - and giving up separate bedrooms, as the kids would share a bunkroom. We all had to give up a lot along the way.

By spring 2021 we put our house on the market, moved into a travel trailer, sold our home, and moved to Corpus in June 2021. We had no expectation that we would be able to buy a home in Corpus so that was not on our radar for some time. 

2022 - But after a year of living in(or should I say OUT of) the RV we were becoming restless and less settled. We had a busy summer, full of missions, summer camp, travel and it seemed we were always cramped in small quarters only to come home to the RV. 

We asked God in August if He would provide us with a home to serve Him from. We indeed needed some space to stretch out in and get out of our cramped living style, which over time became survival mode.

God answered and we were able to pursue the right house for us. We narrowed down the area we wanted to be in and although at times we thought it would be impossible to find something in our price range(still high for us!!) that the bank would approve, God put us exactly where He knew we could be His hands and feet. This home meets so many of our family's needs, and we are finally able to relax and have another home base we can thrive in! Community was a key factor and necessity for our family's well being and emotional health. Long gone are the days of isolated living! We are all so, so thankful God proved again His faithfulness over our lives. We are truly walking by faith and not by sight. Because the believing was not in the seeing! For we did not see how this would be possible. But with a vision, we were able to move forward in faith!

 We are still trusting that God will make our path sure financially. But He tends to provide for us like the Israelites in the dessert. We depend on Him for daily bread! Serving God full time seems really off in the world's eyes. But in the end, you and I need only please an audience of One. 

Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God. Psalm 20:7

For 15 months we served God with YWAM in Corpus, living in that RV. It was a fun and somewhat chaotic time! But God provided every step of the way. As He still does in a house!

We all have a way we are being stretched in our faith! And every new season we come to presents an opportunity to trust God and grow! 

Are you in a season of stretching? Let me know in the comments below how to pray for you!

Blessings and grace, Leslie

I sought the LORD, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears. Psalm 34:4

Friday, November 4, 2022

The Sailboat Comes Home


The Sailboat coming home happened so fast!
It was nestled in a junk yard, and out in west Texas, not expected to have a life including water again!
Thankfully, God has other plans for this vessel!

((Side note: The beginning of this video clip shows some time spent with the latest DTS at the Wooden Boat show in Port Aransas.))

When we first saw this boat, it was in a photo floating around Facebook. The post was telling people that this land needed to be cleared or the owners would be fined. So, after seeing this photo of a boat almost hidden like a diamond not yet mined from its natural setting, Israel inquired about it!
He was put in touch with the owner and to our delight, found out that he had a heart for missions and what we were doing in Corpus Christi for God!
  The Lord was at work! He did not end up asking for a dollar! 
We just would need to put new tires on the trailer!
Israel and Nate took a road trip and went to see the boat in Roscoe, Texas.
Israel's dad was able to help him get those tires taken care of. What a relief! New tires, old boat, but FREE! But the crazy part, the title was not in the guy's name! It was in the original owner's name still after 10 years of sitting! So, that was a problem!
No worries, the old owner was still just down the road and living at the same address!
Israel and the last owner when to see the old owner to get the title and paperwork completed!
Easy peasy! How bizarre was that?!
What a God-story!
Because what are the odds that the old guy was still alive and at the same address that many years after selling the sailboat!? Without those signatures, this would have probably been a fiasco!
But God works in signs and wonders when His children have a passion for Kingdom purposes!

We have pretty great visions for how we see this vessel being used!
As a training vessel: to train Christians in navigation and seamanship, in order to reach remote islands  that are not easily accessed by plane. 

YWAM Ships Corpus Christi will take the gospel of Christ to the least, the lost, the lonely and left behind and train our DTS students and SONS students to do the same!
Matthew 25:40

Find our more here:
 and our personal website here: